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Product Code: 0215446

Price: €19.50

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Product details

Latex Self-Levelling Compound is a 2-part latex floor smoothing underlayment. It is manufactured from a controlled blend of special sands, cements and synthetic polymers to give a high quality flooring product which is practically self-levelling and smoothing. Latex Self-Levelling Compound can be used to prepare most rigid surfaces prior to the installation of floor coverings such as vinyl, carpet and ceramic floor tiles. Latex Self-Levelling Compound can be used on sub floors such as sand/cement screed, concrete, correctly prepared wooden floors, over underfloor and under tile heating, flooring grade asphalt and floors with minor adhesive residue contamination.


The receiving surface must be hard, sound and free from grease, dust and loose deleterious materials such as worn surface coatings, plaster and adhesive residues. Ground floor surfaces must be protected with an effective DPC membrane and new concrete slabs must be at least 4 to 6 weeks old before they are ready to receive SELF-LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND. Non-porous surfaces must be thoroughly clean and free from oil, grease and bituminous residues, whilst porous surfaces (concrete or sand/cement screeds) will require priming with tillers primer diluted at 1 part to 3 parts with water. Very porous surfaces (old / worn concrete) should be dampened with water to reduce suction prior to priming and laying the leveling compound. Surfaces where there is sub-floor heating will require SELF LEVELLING COMPOUND to be mixed with FLOOR SCREED LATEX and the heating source to be switched at least 24 hours before application and then for a further 28 days after. On sections where the floor level is more than 6mm below the final level, it is possible it is possible for small section repairs of the surface to be made by mixing the SELF LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND with coarse dry 3mm sand chippings at a 1 to 1 ratio before mixing with water to a mortar patching consistency and filling out the depression up to the general level of the rest of the floor. When this is complete and set, the final smooth leveling compound can then laid over all areas to give an even consistent finish.


SELF-LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND, depending upon the surface type, should be added to water, or FLOOR SCREED LATEX in a clean container whilst mechanically stirring with a high-speed paddle to give smooth, consistent and readily pourable levelling slurry. When using FLOOR SCREED LATEX mix the full bottle (5litres) with a full 20kg bag of SELF LEVELLING COMPOUND and mix thoroughly to yield smooth, flowing lump-free slurry. Do not add more water than is recommended, as this may prolong drying, lead to surface dusting and significantly reduce the compressive strength of the hardened screed. Part-used leveling compound should never be “freshened up” with later water additions, but should always be discarded once it appears to lose workability


For a 3mm deep screed SELF LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND will cover at a rate of 5kg per sq. metre. SELF LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND is not recommended as a final wearing surface and should not be left exposed for more than a few days, before being over-laid with tiles, vinyl floor-covering or a suitably rated protective surface coating.

How To

It is recommended that tiles with raised or studded back profiles, (or in situations where dampness is likely after tiling), should be back-buttered to ensure solid bed fixing. Do not trowel out an area of adhesive greater than can be tiled over within a 10 minute period. Surfaces, such as tamp-rutted concrete and masonry block-work, that are rough or uneven may first be leveled with floor leveling compound and when sufficiently firm (24 – 48 hours later), followed by an application of flexible tile adhesive as a bed of 2 to 3mm thickness. Expansion joints should be planned and installed in large floor areas in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5385

Pour the freshly mixed leveling compound onto the prepared surface and use a straight edged steel float to ensure the compound is evenly spread into all areas and corners. The SELF LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND will flow and smooth out trowel marks for about 15 to 20 minutes before it begins to firm up. The optimum application thickness for this product is 3mm, but depths up to 6mm can be achieved. In ideal conditions (20°C), SELF LEVELLING FLOORING COMPOUND will remain flowable for 20 minutes and then reach final set after about 2 – 3 hours. After about 45 mins to 1 hour, the screed will have reached initial set, but can still take further finishing with a firmly applied steel float to remove any slight irregularities and flow-lines

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